Welcome to BlepharismaDB!

BlepharismaDB is a user-updatable database of information about the Blepharisma stoltei genome sequence determined by researchers at the Max-Planck Institute in Tubingen, Germany in collaboration with Nara Women's University, Japan. Annotations at BlepharismaDB are based on analyses performed at this institute, scientific literature published by the Blepharisma research community, and other sources.

Please feel free to send comments, suggestions, or questions to us at ciliate-curator@bradley.edu.

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JBrowse2 and BLAST showing incorrect coordinates at BlepharismaDB

Posted on 2024-07-19 12:48:39 by ciliate-curator

The Genome Browser and BLAST server at BlepharismaDB have begun showing slightly skewed results compared to the actual gene and protein sequences. We are not aware of this problem at other Ciliate.org databases. We appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this issue at BlepharismaDB.